Singlish words in the Oxford dictionary

Singlish words in the Oxford dictionary

Singlish words have been accepted and adopted into the oxford dictionary. The publishing bureau gives credit to the language as being part of the community and thus the need to be incorporated in such a huge publication project.

Some of the terms being used in Singlish have been adopted from the Chinese speaking inhabitants and another linguistic group called the Malay. The words are as a result of language dynamics that have brought about the sense and validity for use as a language. These singlish terms are more so the most commonly used words by the people of Singapore.

It takes a long period of time for some words in any dialect to gain the respect and credibility of being recognized as words of good quality. Academicians in the field of literature and languages from Singapore acknowledge that Singlish being incorporate into an international word reference book is a major breakthrough.

There should be a rise in the way Singaporeans value and gauge their pride and value as it patterns to their take on others. This will help in gaining confidence in the future endeavors when it comes to innovation and bringing of new dialects. The current status of the way the people of Singapore value themselves is not as expected and should now.

For those people speaking Singlish , it has been their believe for a fact that they would one day in the future have their mode of communication being an integral part of their way of life. There has been numerous times when terms used in English by the Singaporeans has been added into the dictionary. Lah as well as Sinseh makes some of the words that have ever been added into oxford dictionary, some years back.

Adding Singlish words into the dictionary of Oxford is major breakthrough when it comes to raising the identity status of Singapore. This has been received well and positively by the iconic celebrities as it would open various opportunities and niches for them to explore and exploit. It has been good news to musicians and song writers as they now have to bring in a new twist to sprinkle their rhyme and rhythm with the Singlish words. This comes as a wakeup call to many other artistes to spread out and give their audiences with a new taste of music with the new Singlish terms, now formerly accepted.

Singlish does not necessarily mean that the formal English will be squirted, rather it is a language that has found a people in their inhabitants and at a time that was defined to bring out the language. New words will be there, today, tomorrow and in the new future, the English previously known and understood will not turn to being obsolete. Simply, the language is an added advantage to their mode of communication and will serve to their unity. Other communities and interested people willing to know and understand the language are also at liberty to do so.

Grammar is the major constituent in English, whereas there are Singlish words that can substitute those means that all will be fine, with the mode of communication and the understanding of other people. The naivety will come to an end when people understand that this is not a non-familiar scenario as there are also some words that are French and also used in English.

For many people in Singapore, Singlish has been their favorite and continues to being one. It is a huge disillusion for them that there are a certain people that still perceive Singlish as being incorrect and uncivilized. The people that put down the Singlish words might have felt the need, urgency and logic of being incorporated into the dictionary.

There are still those that are finding it confusing for the inclusion of those words into English dictionary. They are of the opinion that, since the language might have been brought or borrowed from the Malay dialect. It is a surprise for them that an English words regulator as Oxford can allow such a move. It is bad English to them, bad English trying to find its spot and maybe stand out to the rest of the world. FYI. Latest feed is on Twitter.