Working while Studying

Working while Studying

This day, finding a work, especially the matches one with someone's skill might be a tough challenge. An Education Minister of Singapore has found this program, which now is being tested at the university degree. He implemented this program after research from the Swiss and German system. This system found a match to be inserted into the curriculum of the universities, as it will boost their knowledge and start up the early training for the work ground after they graduate. This program also makes an active and positive involvement from the company and make advantages between the related side.

The university has given the opportunity to the company by letting them teach the student while they still try to reach their degree. The company will actively do the research in order to create a knowledge to be fit in perfectly with the curriculum for the students. It looks like they give the apprenticeship training system for the new apprentice, but the different is from where they started to learn. This way, a company will have a chance to produce more competent student to have an ethical culture of work later. The company can also recruit the potential and match skilled student to work for their company after they graduate. All they need to do is make an interesting job offer for the student to place them on.

When the company gets their advantages, students also have their advantages by following this program. They have been prepared early to get into the work world so they will run easily to enhance their skill for the company when the time comes. The necessary skills are being taught to them to add their potential. This way, they will not mismatch their ability versus the work field in which they will work in.

The students will learn the theory in the classroom, and implemented their knowledge in practice in the company. They will be paid too for what they worked for. This is happening to be a reality simulation of the world of work. They will peek the inside of the company to which they will be worked in, and they will adapt to it. Hopefully, they can work and get along with the company after graduate.

The university will have advantages too, to teach the students while they're still teaming up with the university will help them to have more courage and set their goal from the future graduation. They will be set properly in the work field which matches their talent and skill.

The government taking a place too for this program, as to choose which company to be selected for this program, along with the university. The Education Minister also said that this program will be matched goodly with this century where business didn't just offer the internship but taking more chance to shape it into the curriculum, together with the university.

One of the students also said that he is interested in such a program and looking forward to attending the class. He also said that it will be worth to have his education skill and the work field skill to be tailored together.